Sunday, August 26, 2007

My New E-Book

A little off topic but I thought that anyone who enjoys my writing would also enjoy reading a true story.
This is the story of my little love affair with Winnie, the unknown grand-daughter of Man O'War, the greatest of race horses.
The story takes place when I was only 14, back in the 50's. I know you'll enjoy the e-book, as well as your own children and grand-children. It's a heart warming story.

Judy's" new e-book is out.


kaderka said...

sis, I visited your blog. It is very informative

kaderka said...

sis, what is your opinion about the fast spreading of Islam? Is it true?

Judy said...

Sorry,brother, I hadn't checked in before today. It won't happen again.
Yes it's spreading. Islam has been trying to convert the world, for many years.

This being the latter days, it's to be expected. Satan has set many traps and this is just one of them.

Among the others are: acceptance of homosexuality, right down to leading the church;acceptance of women showing off their bodies in public; acceptance to the fact that children are quite capable of killing their own parents.

At the same time, society today is promoting hatred towards:people who smoke cigarettes;open speech;the right to bare arms;the right to run ones own household.

We were told that 'in those days' they will call that that is good, bad and that that is bad, good. It certainly must be 'those days'. :)

How to Make a Church Fail, by Satan, Prince of Darkness

How to Make a Church Fail, by Satan, Prince of Darkness

Isis for Women

Isis for Women

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