I've been a bad girl, in that I have not been attending this blog, the way I should and I apologize.
When weeks go by and it seems noone is interested, one tends to get lax, forgetting that occasional visitor who may be needing help. My deepest apologies and I promise to stay on top of things, from now on.
No problem, it's a lot harder than it seems, it's a lot of work to keep a blog up to date and communication current. God bless you for your input!
Judy, I finished reading your story, He Lives, a few days ago. I also have been through some difficult circumstances, as has my mother. We are still recuperating from the blows of the past, and I know God has been guiding me from the very beginning.
I admire you very much for putting your life up, I can draw some similarities to my own and more similarities to my mum's. I only recently joined Blogger, to get away from myspace and facebook and all the people that I am connected with and have a space that is really 'mine'. Having nothing to do and looking for some kindred spirits, I typed in some words into the url to see what blogs would come up, and I typed in "Christianity" And found yours. (And also found it a coincidence that we liked the same layout :D ) Thank you for being on here. I don't know what else to say... But I look forward to reading your next blogs.
Mine are at tenihitonoko.blogspot.com.
It's encouraging to hear from others and to know I'm doing what the Lord would have me do.
In today's atmosphere of 'accept me as I am or else' and finding the Christian being manipulated into the realities they once knew, as in Roman times, we need each other more than ever.
It's hard to hang onto the values and truths.
That doesn't necessarily mean, that I think folks living through the dark ages, had it any easier but I surely do feel that with today's knowledge, it should actually be easier to understand the Lord.
With the growth of knowledge, has come a deepening of the faith, while at the same time, widening the gap between the believer and the non-believer.
I knew that writing about my life, from the perspective of the believer and the Lord, would strike a chord with those who have struggled, as I have, and bring them a glimpse of hope and the realization that they are not alone.
The worst feeling on earth, is that of not feeling worthy of looking the cashier in the eyes. As though the whole world can see your plight and think of you as dirt. Those things, we take for granted, when all is well.
I think of the prodigal son, sleeping with the pigs. He didn't have to wind up there, he just thought he did.
Here's what I have learned in my 63 years on this planet. The troubles don't go away. They just never do. The difference is what we do with them.
Do we trust ourselves? Or do we trust the Lord. Every mistake I've ever made, could have been avoided simply by trusting the Lord, instead of myself or mankind. That's it, in a nutshell.
I didn't just suddenly, one day, come to my senses and start doing it all the right way. Oh, no! Not this brat! I'm still messing up! But those times, when my brain is in gear and I'm listening to the right voice, I may never know what I avoided. Probably because He would just as soon I stayed as naive, as possible and just hang onto Him.
Bless you Martin. Bless you Sapphira. May this day be full of glory and blessings on you and may this day, prove to open you up to some wonderful news from the Lord.
Thank You so much, Judy, for your comments, you have helped me so much to open my eyes!!! I never realised how blind I was before!
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