Thursday, December 3, 2009

Give It Up

Give It Up

I have walked in that dark cloud where it seems all your life is just heaviness. Strife, struggle, confusion and unrest crams the mind of so many, in this world.

I know what it is to worry and fear from sun up to sun down and then all through the night. I know what it is to suffer in pain and not have the means to see a doctor, not have the time to rest. I know what it is to feel like nobody cares, that you are all alone in this world. I know what it is that causes you to feel unworthy to look the cashier, at the grocery store, squarely in the eyes.

I was on the run from an abusive ex-husband, having been robbed of everything valuable, stripped of all possibility to grasp my own world in order to survive. I know how that feels. I know how it feels to be grateful for the $11 in your pocket, so that you too can go to the grocery store. I know what it is to fear the unknown.

I know what would drive a young mother to thoughts of suicide just for relief from the fatigue due to the struggle. I know how it feels to know you don't have money for Christmas presents for your little one.

I know the implosion one feels in their brain, when the gas has run out, the old car might not start again and fancy suits drive past you while you push the old car up a hill, with your baby inside.

It doesn't feel good. It's tiring and wearing on the body. It makes an old woman out of you. I know what it is to forget how to have fun.

I've been there. Are you hurting? Are you down? Are you crying every night? Do you pray and pray and pray and it seems your words hit the ceiling and go no farther?

Do you want a friend? Do you want help? Would you accept it? Are you ready for it? Do you want to see green in the trees again? Do you want to sleep again? Do you want to be able to appreciate the crisp morning air again? Do you want peaceful thoughts in your head, again? You want the rope? You want off the merry-go-round?

I know the answer sounds so very simple but the fact is, it is the answer. It will put you on your feet again, make you feel human again, make you feel possibility again, make you dream of tomorrow again. You ready?

Speak His name. You know His name, just speak it. Give up. Give up. He's waiting for you to give up.

There's something very important you need to know. Just because you know about Jesus, doesn't mean you've stepped into His light. You see, it's a two way street. Accept Jesus into your heart but also remember to give yourself to Him. Sell out. It sure doesn't hurt.

Once you've given up and spilled it all out before Him, the Holy Spirit comes immediately to cleanse, cloak and to comfort. This is a real thing. I mean real as in, you will feel it, you will know it. It happens immediately. You will sleep again, like a baby in mothers arms.

Then the next morning, after you've had some rest, here's what you do. You take those concerns, those bills, those needs and you lay them out on the floor. Seriously, lay that gas bill on the floor. Lay out notes, listing your immediate needs, right there on the floor. Then point to them and tell the Father, "There is it. I can't fix this. You can. Fix it, Father. I need Your help". And then you walk away from those pieces of paper, laying out there before the Lord where He can acknowledge them.

From this point on, you do what you can and don't ask another thing from yourself. You are not the God, He is.

Five years from now, you won't be able to remember how those needs were met, you will just remember that somehow they were tended to. That's the point, it wasn't any of your business and so you don't remember.

Break before the Lord. Don't go whining to Him about your situation, look to Him for a solution. Recognize that you may not know the perfect answer. Rely on Him for that.

You will begin a whole new chapter in your life and some day, you will be sharing that experience with others, just like me.

Judy Sims


Anonymous said...

I love what you wrote here - thank you! It is much needed! God bless!

Judy said...

I wish more of the hurting world would find it. :)

Anonymous said...

It's like your peeked in my window today! That's me. I lost my faith awhile ago & I'm having trouble finding my way back. I cry 24/7 I'm skipping Christmas all together, thankfully God never gave us kids so that's not a problem. All month I've been thinking that 52 yrs is long enough on this earth, how much longer?! Thank you for posting this.

Judy said...

Each of us is created as a message to be delivered. If we don't lift our faces, so that others can see, the message is not delivered.

Until we begin to deliver our message, our lives are empty. Sometimes it takes 50 years to realize it.

So when the pain creeps in and won't go away and we begin to look for an answer, we assume there's something to blame but the fact is, we missed why we are here.

It doesn't take much to find out why we are here. It takes believing that everything that crosses our path, is there for a reason.

Is the drunk on the curb, really a drunk on the curb? Or is it an angel, God has sent to attract our attention?

Is the old woman on a walker, holding you up as you leave the store, just an old woman on a walker?

Is your waitress just a waitress? Is the cashier just a cashier?

Or has the Lord placed all these people before us, so that we can see outside ourselves and reach out to a hurting world.

The pain in your heart. Is it yours or are you feeling the pain of the world. Is someone crying out for your help and you instead of lifting them up, wallow in your own pain?

This life is short enough and the fact is, there will never be enough time to tend to all those things around us that desperately need us.

So why shorten it by looking into ourselves? If you push your own pain aside, long enough to see that of another, you forget your own pain. :)

No children, huh. How about 10's of 1000's of children? Since when are they not all our responsibility in the eyes of the Lord.

When we focus on Jesus and accept His Holy Spirit, we CAN and DO become a new creature, all over again. It's a love affair. It can grow dull but it can also be sparked back into life.

If we only knew just how acute are the feelings of Jesus toward us, we might catch a glimpse of that love affair. Most times, a one sided love affair and we are guilty of not giving ourselves in return for what He gives us. Love.

Try accepting His proposal and say yes to a heavenly marriage and let that thrill carry you through. Stop thinking of Him as only your Father. He is also your lover. He is rapture. His love for you is so immense, you can't measure it or fathom it. He's the Friend. He's the secret lover. He's the healer. He's the One true love in our lives. He is the life giving injection that gives us reason for being.

Why skip Christmas, when there is a family nearby who cannot have Christmas?

How to Make a Church Fail, by Satan, Prince of Darkness

How to Make a Church Fail, by Satan, Prince of Darkness

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